Tuesday, October 23, 2007


The best sleep I get is early in the morning. Completely dreamless, fitful and soul satisfying sleep. I never wake up thinking of a dream or anything else for that matter. This morning Baby A woke up at 6.30am. He was promptly given his formula milk and lulled back to sleep. I snuggled him into the crook of my arm and decided to catch 40 winks myself.

I woke up at 7.10 am thinking about two of my old old friends. Geeta and Deidre aka as Pinky. Very vivid was their thought and faces in my mind. It was almost like we had a tete a tete in my dreams.

Geeta while in school was the brightest in our class. Perhaps the entire school. She was good in her studies, in debating, elocution's and extempores and even sports. A shining example for all our parents to point out and say ' You should be like her!'. Geeta and I though not the closest of friends were definitely good friends. I can never forget her trademark fringe. She had it all the way from Grade 1 to 10!! And try as much I wanted I could never get my curls to fall straight as her fringe. We used to cycle together for tuition classes and chat all the way to and back. Music, boys and general class gossip.

Pinky on the other hand was one of my best friends from Grade 7 to 10. We had some fabulous times together. I remember Christmas of '88 was spent with her and her family in Jamadoba. Incidentally our families used to pray at the same Church and were good friends as well. She and I had some great times together.

So I was really melancholic when I woke up this morning thinking of not one but both of them. Did I meet them in my dreams? Did we relive some of the old times from when we were young and fancy free? Did we laugh together as we did all those growing up years?

I'm not sure...

I don't know...

A cruel twist of fate...

You see Pinky and Geeta have not been there for 17 long years.

Gone forever.

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