Thursday, November 02, 2006

Strange Ways!

There are some things which in retrospect I find so intriguing. I was reflecting back to five years.

Year 2001. Sometime in August. I am not sure of the date but yes it was a Saturday. If I knew then that, that day would be of monumental significance to me, I am sure I would have etched the date in my mind for posterity sake.

That was the day I met Mr. G for the first time.

A Hi, I am Deepti and a Hi, I am Gaurav kind of meeting.

Who would have known then that our paths would intertwine and we would be together forever.

Though from after a week of having known each other, I considered me being his and he being mine. Nothing was said or assumed. It was like karmic destiny. And things just fell into place slowly and over time.

Today when I think of that night in 2001 and to today when we are expecting our baby... I can only say... Strange ways!

1 comment:

GLang911 said...

Within a week.???????...I thought it took me a few months to figure stuff out :)