Tuesday, October 17, 2006

And a huff and a puff!

That's how I felt when I reached work this morning.

And the reason why I felt that way is because Mr. G's words just before I dozed off last night kept echoing in my ears all night.

And it was the first thing I remembered when I woke up this morning.

He said 'Deepy, its time you started exercising'!!

Well folks the only exercise I have been getting until now is the short walk to and fro from office, the never-sit-at-your-desk attitude at work, all the work around the house, chopping, cooking, cleaning etc etc etc.

So I said to myself enough is enough.

And took the longer route to work this morning.

Mr. G for your benefit it took me a good 15 minutes extra.

That means I have to leave 15 minutes early each morning.

Which means I get to see only a quarter of The Oprah Winfrey show each morning!

Which also means that since I waddle more than walk these days.

Its going to be a huff and a puff all the way!

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