Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bhaga Bhaga... Dauda Dauda!

Most days when I have lots of work to do (not official of course) I feel like the heading of this post.

Though I am a firm believer that all personal work should be done during working hours in order to have the weekend to oneself!:)

But I have not been able to achieve that during the past two weeks.

So here I am on a Saturday morning charting out my things-to-do list.

1. Need to desperately get a haircut.

2. Need to get my eyebrows done before that's all you see on my face:)

3. Have to buy Diwali gifts to send for in-laws.

4. Pair of black sandals for myself. I have worn out the two I possess. Must be the increasing weight I guess.

5. Grocery shopping for the month. Though that will be done tomorrow with Mr. G. But hey I still got to work on the list!

6. Fix an appointment for the next Doctor's visit

7. Make plans for Saturday evening (which is a humungous task because they take many forms as the day progresses)

8. Supervise Saturday house cleaning by the maid. I have a feeling most days she just does the dishes and scoots (She comes while we are away at work!)

9. Buy a gift for for a birthday tomorrow.

10. Laundry, laundry and more laundry. you see why I am feeling bhaga bhaga...dauda dauda.

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