Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Oops...she's pregnant!

There are some at work who are now beginning to realize that hey...its not a burgeoning tummy... she's pregnant man!!

Can you believe it!!

There's one guy who asked one of the girls... Psssttt...Is she pregnant??

Girl replies...Yesss!!

Guy... How did it happen?? (Stupid!!)

Girl... well one day her husband came home and....

Then there's another guy who eyes my increasing middle and says... Too much beer lately yeah??

Me... Well, the temptation's definitely been there!

Are guys blind??

I definitely think so!


GLang911 said...

No, Men are not blind. I have known for a long time now....:) and I believe you look beautiful (& sexy) as ever.

Anonymous said...

The question "how did it happen" was extremely funny and silly. I actually laughed through this one :)